
For the past few years, my overall well-being took a hit, starting with postpartum depression following the birth of my last child. Seeking relief, I began antidepressants, only to discover later that my hormonal balance was off-kilter. Turning to birth control to regulate my hormones, I then faced unexpected weight gain and various physical challenges. Over time, the accumulating struggles left me feeling defeated both mentally and physically. Despite efforts with diets and consistent daily walks or runs spanning 3-6 miles, the issues persisted, leaving me utterly frustrated and unsure of how to proceed.

Enter Nicole. From the outset, I was intrigued by the prospect of a “one-stop shop” solution. Following our initial consultation, Nicole conducted thorough bloodwork and devised a meal plan cutting out gluten, sugar, and dairy. The incorporation of necessary supplements marked a subtle improvement. Upon discovering gallstones, which required delayed surgery, Nicole implemented a specialized liver support diet that yielded even more significant results. Post-gallbladder removal, coupled with sustained adherence to a healthier lifestyle and supplements, the transformation was monumental. 

Formerly plagued by daily headaches and weekly migraines, these afflictions have vanished. My reliance on daily Excedrin or caffeine to navigate the day has ceased for months. Discontinuing birth control and antidepressants has remarkably elevated my mental and emotional well-being. The once irresistible cravings for sugar and carbs are now distant memories. Under Nicole’s guidance, I learned that an excessive focus on cardio was counterproductive, prompting a shift towards incorporating strength training. Today, when I run, I feel a newfound strength and enhanced endurance. 

Nicole has undeniably revolutionized my life. In contrast to fleeting fad diets, the changes instilled by Nicole are sustainable, embodying lifelong adjustments that have seamlessly integrated into my routine.


I started my journey with Nicole on 07/27/22. I was broken, my body ached all over and I kept blaming it on my previous c-sections. I kept blaming all my ovarian cramps, headaches, fatigue, and soreness on having a baby, breastfeeding, and not getting sleep. Never once did I want to admit it was my diet. I put my needs last. My kids needed me more than I needed to take care of myself. Did I admit that? No. I said that I hated “diets”, and my daily nutrition was just fine. I was at the highest weight I had ever been.
My coworker, who had been doing Nicole’s program for a couple of months, convinced me to finally look into it myself and be a better person. Not only for myself but for my family. I am so happy I did and I’ll never look back.
It’s been 6 weeks, that’s it, and my entire life has done a 180. I have so much energy for my kids, my husband, and my life. I am present for everything rather than being on the sidelines. I no longer feel groggy or fatigued, AT ALL. My body aches have completely diminished. My endometriosis pains have completely subsided. No headaches. No lightheadedness. I feel myself again. Not to mention I’ve already lost 10 pounds and two clothing sizes.
Nicole has completely changed my life. She is an amazing coach and is totally open to all clients’ needs.
I wouldn’t have been able to do this without her and I am so grateful for her.


I am so thankful for Nicole! I started my journey with her Mid-August because I knew my eating habits were horrible. Even though I had lost roughly 30lbs before signing up she has helped me turn my fat into muscle and get me back on track to making healthier food choices. Since being with Nicole I have lost at least 5lbs of FAT a month and turned that into 5lbs of MUSCLE! I am also very picky when it comes to food, but Nicole has been amazing in putting together a food plan that fits my liking and the food my children will eat. People ask me all the time what I have been doing and expressing how good I look, and I tell them if it wasn’t for my nutritionist [Nicole] I wouldn’t be where I am at. I like to brag to people about Nicole and her nutrition program. As a single full-time working mother and student along with two boys, one autistic one and the other an active football player, her meal plan, grocery list, and prep planning have made my life so much easier. I hated having to find meals, put together my own plan, and then my grocery list; it is one less thing to think about and stress over. I am coming to the end of my 3 months with Nicole and will continue my journey with her even after reaching my goal. She really has changed the way I look at food, and my body and it is rewarding seeing the changes happen week to week. My body feels great, my skin has cleared up tremendously, my hair isn’t falling out in abnormal chunks, and the joints in my hands feel the best they have felt in over a year! I never realized how unhealthy I really was and how much my body was affected by the poor food choices I was making, but Nicole has changed that, and for her, I am forever grateful.


I’ve had chronic neck and shoulder pain for 2 years from sitting at a desk job, stress, poor posture, and a sedentary lifestyle. Since I started my wellness journey with Antigravity, I have noticed a big improvement in my posture, my pain is mild most days and continues to improve every week. I continue to get stronger with my weekly training sessions and I eat better with my nutritional coaching. My hair and nails are growing faster, and my mental health has improved. My life has changed in a way I could not have done by myself. I tried to meal plan, eat better, and exercise but never managed to get it all done. Now, I have a better routine, I am more compliant, and I know that I am eating better and doing what’s best for my health. It has not been easy, but I am so happy that I started this journey with Coach Nicole!


I was looking for some nutritional counseling that would take into consideration my unique needs and that I live in Southeast Asia. Since I knew Nicole when she started her nursing journey, I knew that she was persistent, determined, and helpful. And that she would have a comprehensive and integrated approach. The recipes she provided for nutritional counseling were delicious and easy to prepare. And used ingredients that I could find here. Her exercise coaching has helped me with my workouts and decreased my back pain. The lifestyle habits I have learned from Nicole have helped with my eating and exercise habits, even when traveling and eating out. Thank you Nicole for all your help!


Before I started the nutrition and exercise program with Dr. Nicole Smith of Antigravity Wellness program, I had a “lazy” kidney as diagnosed by another doctor.  My kidney function number was running right along the border for kidney failure.

In 2020, Dr. Smith created a renal friendly diet and exercise program tailored to meet my specific biological needs. As you can see in the chart below, the most recent test results speak for themselves!

I no longer have a kidney function problem!!!!  My kidneys have healed!!!

My thyroid was also tested during this time and was not functioning correctly either.  I had symptoms related to a lower functioning thyroid and started medication with another doctor.  This other doctor I still really like had the discussion with me that it appeared I was headed for kidney failure. That news was depressing and terrifying.

By following Dr. Smith’s program, I felt less tired and stopped taking two naps a day.  Now, my kidneys and thyroid are healthy and I am not on any drugs any more.  It was up to me to follow Dr. Smith’s advice in the comfort of my home.  It was not the easiest thing to make some major changes in my daily diet, county my salt intake, make time to exercise and to reframe my thinking patterns on food (especially when I was stressed… like with COVID).  I still have work to do and be mindful of my day and what my goals are but the results are worth the work I have to put in to make it happen. Dr. Smith is my health coach for the life game.

I would say its a miracle in God’s grace and it is Dr. Nicole Smith’s attention to the biology of science and creating a medically specialized diet, exercise and life style program for me that put me on the right path.  I’m now shooting for a GRE kidney function of 90 this year. 


When I came to Nicole I felt like it didn’t matter what I ate. I didn’t lose but would only slowly gain weight. I felt like garbage all the time and I wasn’t sleeping well. I was struggling to get my physician to help me with an action plan because my labs were all within normal levels for Western medicine.  When Nicole looked at my labs as a functional medicine practitioner, she validated what I had been feeling!  She helped me identify the inflammation in my body and solved my GI issues that I always associated with not having a gallbladder.  This lifestyle change has not been overnight, but it has really shown me how I can feel and look! Most importantly she helped me to realize that it is ok to prioritize me!  I am worth making myself a priority to help take better care of my family.  I have not reached all my goals yet, but I have made some great lifestyle changes that are allowing changes to happen slowly to ensure they are just that…lifestyle changes!!  I am so grateful for all I have learned and for all the healing my body has seen!


I have always struggled with my weight and being a healthy weight.  After having 6 babies I have always done programs that produced quick results and I was ALWAYS hungry but I was successful. I lost weight fast! It worked for me. Being a mother of a big family and farming with my husband on a family farm there was really no time for self-care.  My weight inched up to 220 lbs just before Covid started. I was desperate, so I asked my husband for the Ideal Protein Program for Christmas. I made it work. In 10 months I lost 74 lbs. Never exercised, we lived on very few calories on this program but I am grateful for it because it gave me the kick that I needed. I felt SO good. As with most programs like this, you gain weight back quickly. My weight began to inch up and I always thought I would be able to get a hold of it. I found myself 40 lbs up from the goal weight I worked so hard for. I really did not know how to feed my body! My body wanted exercise! Fast forward- My husband and I decided to serve a mission for our church for 2 years. We knew we were going to be really busy. My husband had a health scare right as we began our mission and that got me worried about my health. A lot is required of us out here and I wanted so badly to be healthy to enjoy this time in our life. I wanted to lose weight but I didn’t want to do it fast. I wanted to give myself plenty of time to not only lose and become stronger but learn to change the way we eat so I can keep it off and still enjoy fun outings. This is where AntiGravity comes in! I decided right before the Thanksgiving Holidays started that I would invest in ME. I got a hold of Nicole! I have watched her on Facebook and I loved how she coached. Especially since she has been in my shoes and it is impressive how she has transformed her health and body and keeps at it. Her profession as a Nurse Practitioner (Doctor) gave me so much confidence to know that she would take good care of me and recommend what I needed. Nicole is not just concerned about weight loss but our whole health.  I love having Nicole help me with supplements and ideas when I am struggling with certain things. That is the beauty of her profession mixed in with the health and training she recommends for us. I absolutely love it! I am doing this from a distance, I am in Alabama and she is in Washington but I still feel accountable. I know Nicole cares about me as much as she does for those that are close to her. I love her outlook, she always encourages me to not look for the negative in my health journey but encourages me to write down the wins of every day. I am determined to stick with this. I am down 20 lbs and have so much more energy and feel so good, I am also down 6 dress sizes. That is a win.  I don’t care how slow it is going and I really struggle to get my exercise in but I will not quit. I love having someone to be accountable to, it drives me. I also LOVE the meal plans and they have helped me to understand how it looks to eat clean. So grateful for this program and for Nicole. I love her.

K. E.

Before enrolling in AntiGravity with coach Nicole (best coach ever) I was overweight and struggled to lose my baby weight. I’ve tried other weight loss methods before, but none of them worked out. I was tired, felt unhealthy, and lacked energy almost every day. Nicole’s meal plans helped me to lose weight and reach my goal. Within about 2 weeks or so I saw a difference in my mood, energy, and the scale! Nicole is wonderful at accommodating what you like and don’t like to eat. New meal plans every 2 weeks helped me feel like I’m not eating the same things over and over. This program really helped me to obtain my goal weight, and feel good and healthy! I would definitely recommend her to my family and friends!


We initially reached out because we knew that our diet habits weren’t the greatest. On top of that, Oliver suffers from high cholesterol and GI issues and I am overweight and had high blood pressure. Our goal was to learn to meal prep things that would be easy to make with our busy schedules and at the same time work on improving our health. We were a bit skeptical because for one, Oliver likes to eat unhealthy crap all night at work and he has a hard time giving up his munchies. For me, soda was a big addiction I failed to overcome many times. However, after starting Nicole’s program, we felt better overall, we had more energy, and the food was tastier and easier to make than we thought. Although we are not meal-prepping anymore, Oliver and I have learned to make healthier choices with our food. We have cut out soda completely from our diet, unnecessary sugars, and bread. I am now off of my lisinopril and I’m hoping to keep it that way. Oliver had labs drawn a few weeks ago and his cholesterol numbers have improved greatly.”I wouldn’t have been able to do this without her and I am so grateful for her.


I started with antigravity back in October of 2022. Like most people, I didn’t take my health journey seriously until I got a diagnosis from my doctor. I was diagnosed with prediabetes, and I wanted to go ahead and change my life before it became full-blown diabetes. My primary care provider sent me to a nutritionist, but they weren’t as involved or encouraging as I needed them to be, and I ended up giving up. I signed up with Coach Nicole, who was recommended to me by several of my coworkers. She ordered labs for me and explained them to me, and got me the vitamins that I needed. She made meal plans geared towards lowering my A1c and helping me lose weight. I wasn’t very active, so she created an at-home workout plan for me, and as I became more confident and consistent, she altered the plans to fit me. I’ve tried all the fad diets, and none of them stuck. With Nicole, it’s not a one size fits all sort of thing. Everything is personalized to fit your goals and needs. Coach Nicole changed my life, and I couldn’t be happier!


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